Gardiner Fire District

I’m Luke Lyons, That’s my son in the photo.
I’m Chairman of the Gardiner Fire District. The District and the Gardiner Fire Department, Inc. are related but they are entirely separate entities. The Gardiner Fire District is a “District Corporation of the State,” distinct and separate from the Town of Gardiner and Ulster County in which it is located. Essentially, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the District is responsible for the disposition of the funds of the Fire District and its financial well-being. The elected five-member Board of Fire Commissioners (Board), of which I have the honor of being Chair, governs the District and is responsible for overseeing the District’s length of service award program (LOSAP). There are five members on the Board of Fire Commissioners, each serving a five (5) year term. In December of each year, one seat is elected by the residents of the District; the Chairman is selected by the Board during the annual reorganization meeting in January. Governance of the District is authorized by NYS Municipal Law and also authorizing its role as the taxing agency. The District and, by extension, the residents own all equipment and vehicles. The real estate and buildings thereon are owned by the Gardiner Fire Department, Inc.
The Gardiner Fire Department, on the other hand, is a not-for-profit organization whose volunteer firefighters (members) provide fire protection and emergency services to approximately 4,800 District residents. The GFD recruits, administers, and provides training for all personnel within the scope of their own by-laws. Additionally, members participate in the District’s LOSAP (Length of Service Program), with members receiving annual firefighting and EMS service credits and monthly benefits in accordance with State Law. The District provides financial support and oversight for GFD’s operations.
The District’s 2017 budget appropriations totaled $374,877.39 and were funded primarily with real property taxes. The District Board conducts an annual public hearing, deliberates, and votes on each year’s budget on the 3rd Tuesday of October.
The Board meets monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 8PM at the fire station in the hamlet across from the Town Hall. Meeting agendas include such items as financial management, equipment purchases and vehicle maintenance.
Let me introduce you to the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Gardiner Fire District...