Firefighters must be prepared to escape if things go bad. GFD members learn to trust their equipment bailing out of a second story window.

This is a view we hope you don't ever have to see. But, if you need it, GFD has its own fully-stocked ambulance and highly experienced EMTs ready to provide medical care and transportation.

Motor vehicle accident extrication challenges the equipment and training of both firefighters and EMS personnel. GFD memebers coordinate to provide immediate patient care while getting them to safety as quickly as possible.

Truck Company Operations trains firefighters in skills for ladder deployment, ventillation, forcible entry and search that are performed when first arriving on-scene at a structure fire.

Gardiner's rural district has all sorts of hazards that members train to overcome to keep our community safe. Here, GFD memebers are certified in Ice Rescue with the Ulster County Sheriff Dive Team.

GFD works closely with the skilled Rangers at Mohonk. In this case, a wilderness carryout over difficult terrain was orchestrated between the Rangers and Gardiner firefighters and EMTs for an injured hiker.